Registry - WCC
Methodology - WCC
Developer - Forest Carbon
At the time, Doddington North was the largest productive forest to be planted in England for 25 years. It is a brilliantly conceived woodland, designed to harness the multitude benefits that trees bring with them, and are managed under a continuous-cover (i.e. no clear felling) basis.
Slightly over half the project is conifer, with a mixture of Scots pine and native broadleaves making up the remainder. The latter are planted along watercourses to deliver riparian benefits and provide a network of biodiversity habitat running through the forest. Footpaths and bridleways have been built into the project design, so that local communities will have recreational access. In 2020 a bird survey was undertaken by the ecologist who surveyed the site before planting, providing empirical evidence of the changes in bird life. In the years since planting began there has been an increase in important species including kestrel, barn owl, hen harrier, nightjar, wall butterfly and petty whin which have moved in or increased in abundance.