The Business Case for Carbon Offsetting
A detailed explanation of why there is a clear case for businesses to purchase carbon credits for their unavoidable emissions.
Nature Broking CEO Luke Baldwin explains his hopes for climate and nature in 2025
Thoughts from Nature Broking CEO Luke Baldwin elaborating on his hopes for climate and nature through the VCM (Voluntary Carbon Markets) in 2025.
How to explain how carbon offsets improve outcomes for wildlife
It’s Wildlife Conservation Day today and at Nature Broking we have been thinking about how to get over the message that high impact, high integrity carbon offsetting projects help create and restore habitats for our wildlife, both here in the UK and globally.
Perspectives on the Voluntary Carbon Market discussed at Nature Broking’s joint event with Allied Offsets
On November 19th, Nature Broking held a joint networking and panel event with Allied Offsets to talk about “Perspectives on Corporate Activity in the Voluntary Carbon Market”.
Thoughts on Ed Miliband’s new UK Government Principles for Voluntary Carbon and Nature Market
A few general observations on UK Government Principles for Voluntary Carbon and Nature Market Integrity published by Ed Miliband and his team 3 days ago.
Nature Broking welcomes new Head of Science and Natural Capital
Nature Broking is delighted to welcome Russell Galt, in our new Head of Science and Nature Capital role.